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Frozen Food: A Life Saviour In Global Pandemic.

Covid 19 impacted a lot of people's lives, causing food insecurity globally. With lockdowns in place worldwide, access to fresh food became challenging. At that time, people were more worried about the virus transmission, so they started prioritizing packed foods over fresh ones. As frozen food passes through only the frozen process, not many hands. Frozen food, being more hygienic compared to its fresh counterparts, emerged as a crucial solution during those tough times as it comes in packed form.

Frozen food not only offered stability and convenience but also met the essential nutritional needs of people because of its ability to lock in nutritional content by being frozen at its peak ripening stage. Frozen food became a lifeline during the pandemic due to several major benefits. Unlike fresh produce, frozen food can be easily kept and transported over long distances while retaining its freshness and nutritional content. Furthermore, the prolonged shelf life of frozen food provided households with a reliable food source, ensuring stability amidst uncertain times. These factors collectively underscored the critical role of frozen food in sustaining food security during the pandemic. Also, people became more aware of food waste, as with the limited trips to stores for groceries, frozen foods helped reduce the amount of spoiled food. Unlike fresh produce, frozen food has a prolonged shelf life and has helped families stretch their food supplies further, minimizing waste and maximizing value.

Many people hold misconceptions about frozen food, believing it lacks nutrition or isn't fresh enough. However, numerous studies show that frozen food is equally or even more nutritious than fresh ones. In fact, the frozen food industry in India is expected to grow by 16.97% during the 2023–2028 forecast period. This rise is largely driven by the coronavirus pandemic, which has increased awareness about making healthier choices in everyday purchases. As consumers become more conscious of their dietary habits, frozen foods are increasingly recognized for their ability to provide nutritious and fresh options without compromising on quality. 

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the significance of flexibility and resilience in our food systems. Frozen food emerged as a hero, giving stability, nourishment, and convenience just when we needed it. As we move forward, continuing to recognize the role of frozen food can help us better prepare for any issues that may arise in the future. 

Due to the rise in demand for frozen food in the market, Pal Frozen Foods have significantly increased production capacity and simultaneously expanded our distribution network in numerous cities like Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Kochi, Lucknow, Dehradun and more. As manufacturers of frozen food products under the brands “Pal Fresh'' and "Frozzo'', Pal Frozen Foods is committed to providing top-quality frozen food products to our consumers. We are consistently working and prioritizing essential resources to keep our production growing while abiding by food safety standards. By utilizing state-of-the-art technology, we have strengthened our supply chain, which is proving to be an important step to cope with such challenges during future emergencies. These efforts are crucial to providing uninterrupted support and services to people.

Thus, through these pre-planned crucial steps, together we can create a more resilient, sustainable, and secure food system for everyone.

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